Welcome to the U.P.!
Are you new to our lake? Have you had any changes to your contact information? LMPO needs to have the correct information.
(Select Around Town at top * Click on Contact Form * Fill it out and SUBMIT)
What do you see from your area? (you can either post pictures on the LMPO FB page or send them directly to [email protected]) Let's see how many people join us! Several of you have added to our 'fun'. Keep those pictures coming. |
FREE SMOKE or CO2 ALARMS Still Available!
MORE HAVE BEEN ORDERED. GET YOUR NAME ON THE LIST! The Michigamme Spurr Volunteer Fire Department has FREE smoke alarms and CO (carbon monoxide) detectors, for household installation, from a state-funded program. These units have a 10-year battery.
If interested, please contact John Gregg at 248.408.3033, or any other member of the Fire Department, or sign-up at the Township Hall. Installation or pick-up available. Be Safe.
MORE HAVE BEEN ORDERED. GET YOUR NAME ON THE LIST! The Michigamme Spurr Volunteer Fire Department has FREE smoke alarms and CO (carbon monoxide) detectors, for household installation, from a state-funded program. These units have a 10-year battery.
If interested, please contact John Gregg at 248.408.3033, or any other member of the Fire Department, or sign-up at the Township Hall. Installation or pick-up available. Be Safe.
Click on the button above to see how they practice with the new equipment.
New Honor for the Michigamme-Spurr
Our final LMPO "Adopt-A-Highway" trash clean has snuck up on us. Join the gang this Saturday, 9/21, at Redeemer Church for our last one for 2024. Meet a little before 9:00am so we can get our "team" moving by 9. The more folks we get, the faster it goes, and the weather so far looks like it will be nice. See you all Saturday morning!
Have you checked out the new courts?Why join the LMPO?
Here is what your dues provide
1. BUOYS -We have about 30 buoys throughout the lake. (replacing 8 this year.) Take them out each fall, clean, repair, replace as needed and again put them out each summer. (Also the insurance and upkeep of the LMPO pontoon boat used.)
2. DAM - We pay taxes, maintenance and inspection (inspection was $1400 in 2022) for the dam property. 3. MAPS - We purchase lake maps for the membership every 5 years, and we distribute complimentary copies of the lake directory to dues paying members. 4. LAKE QUALITY - We also test multiple sites around the lake for coliform bacteria, and we pay for of the dam. We have funds earmarked for fish cribs, but progress has been limited by the DNR’s restrictive permitting. 5. SPECIAL PROJECTS - We also support special projects that benefit the community. We purchased the dock for the Michigamme Township Park and in 2022 we donated $1400 toward a modern sound system for the Township Hall’s gymnasium. We regularly donate to the July 4th Committee and the museum’s annual fundraisers. 6. MICHIGAMME MESSENGER - This is the yearly newsletter that was given out at the annual meeting. We unfortunately have had difficulty resurrecting the Michigamme Messenger. Any Volunteers? 7. ANNUAL MEETING- Last, but certainly important. The donuts, hot dogs and chicken for the meeting. Canning? Freezing?
Harvest Fest